Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm getting tired of playing the same boring song, over, and over, and over again. How many of you have seen the Disney move Pocahontas? I'm guessing not very many. But we have to play the song colors of the wind... from that movie... Not cool. It sounds good, but I hate it, my stand partner hates it... The entire first Violins hate it... My friend who sits in front of me reads this blog, and said that I should complain endlessly about this and then do this **throws up hands in a dramatic gesture** Y'all catch that? I don't feel like repeating myself...

Then I had more boring Safety tests in Tech Ed... Thank God we start our napkin holders tomorrow...

In Pride Time we did some more Marbling, it was fun... I made this bright orange frame for my Grandma...It's cool, maybe I'll get a chance to take a picture of it and put it on her so you guys can see it... can't bring it home 'till Monday **Sad Face**

I can't wait 'till tomorrow night **happy dance** I get to watch two of my favorite T.V. Shows **Another Happy Dance** Merlin and Stargate Universe

I hope y'all liked my "Dramatics"

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