Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well, Well, Well...

Today, I've done nothing but sit in a church for... **just a moment have to figure out how long it took...See hopeless at mental math** I don't know I got there at 7:45 and didn't leave until 12:30... 4 hrs, and 45 min. **YAY** I did it!!!

Okay, so today was Youth Sunday at my church... for all you people who have no idea what Youth Sunday is... It's the day when the entire service is by kids. The Senoir Highs get shipped off to college, and the comformads (8th graders) are now legal members of the Church... **Quite boring really** I'm in choir and bell choir so I really had to be there... even if I didn't want to... Look on the bright side, I got a free brunch meal at 10 AM

Since then I've been doing random stuff, filling time... for example:
  • Reading
  • Excircising
  • Watching TV
  • Checking Email
  • Blogging
  • Finding Blogging Books on the Library Website
Yep, very, and I mean very fun, you're missing everything... The only fun thing I've done today was carry up 3 foam cusions (10ft long, 6in thick and 3ft wide) up three flights of stairs. And that was because I "accidentally" hit someone in the face...

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