Monday, April 26, 2010

Not the Spiders... Please not the Spiders...

I woke up at 3:30 this morning to Boom, Boom, CRASH...Hail was falling everywhere... It wasn't your normal, everyday hail, it was your quarter-size hail... That's HUGE... About a hour later it stopped hailing and I fell back to sleep... **zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz**

The rest of the morning wasn't too exciting... until 4th period... **laughs mischievously**  Okay those of you who follow this blog know all about my best friend... Well she loves her gossip.. and she heard a juicy bit and she was coming to tell me **knowing very well that I couldn't care less** but the person who told her had other plans... My best friend had taken off at a run and the other girl had to sprint to catch up but that was enough... She grabbed my friend by the arm, dragged her to the ground and she bashed her knee on the floor, Oh the unforgiving gym floor...Well she ended up knocking her knee cap or something out of place... I think she's lucky she got to get out of the rest of what if she has to where a knee brace for ... um... I think its eternity but that's beside the point... Now she want to kill the person who did it... She already had a long kill-list but it just keeps growing...

Okay, some people are complete lunch today we had smokies, mashed potatoes and Cinnamon rolls... no big deal right... except they had corn there too, so I asked for some corn, they said no I couldn't because I had mashed potatoes when they give the mashed potatoes to you even if you don't want them and ask them not to give them to you... like I said earlier... complete Idiots...

I had to take an ARI in math reading class today, don't ask me what that means, I don't know myself... I think I did really bad at it because they made me read out loud... I don't like reading out loud... **sad face**

Okay, That was GROSS  I just saw a dark spot moving across the floor..(way too fast to be a shadow) and so I picked up the garbage can right next to me and slammed it right on top of it and it was a spider... I hate spiders...

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