Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ouh Oh...

Ouh Oh... My dad is really mad... his truck got attacked by a bat. Some idiot smashed the rear-taillight out. It will cost $1200. Yep, he's mad.

In other news, I have a lot of work due tomorrow **sad face** Grades are due soon so all the teachers are push everything important. I never have any missing or late work but I hate it when teachers give us all this time to finish everything when I don't need any of it.

Remember my Best friend that I was talking about yesterday? Well she was back today and we had to measure a door. I told her to go measure it, and the door was open so she tried to measure the threshold. I told her to measure the door, she replied smartly...huh? and I went measure the D-O-O-R. She still didn't get it and I had to go and do it myself, and afterward she was like, "well you could've told me that... (She's hopeless.)

Yesterday was the Last day I had church on a regular basis, like every Wednesday. I got a huge Ice cream cone **happy dance** I still have choir and bells practice **ugh** for two weeks though.

I had track today and my shins didn't hurt!!! **YAY** I have practice tomorrow again. Next Monday I have my last track meet. On Wednesday I have the All-City-Meet, which conflicts with my choir practice.

Mi nombre es el español que odia. No me gusta hablar, leer o escribir en español. Pero mis padres se me va a hacer es tomar el año que viene como el crédito de secundaria.

Which means....

My name is Spanish-hater. I do not like to speak, read, or write in Spanish. But my parents are going to make me take it next year as high school credit.

I can't wait till next year when I get to take advanced math, reading, and science...

Okay, I've covered:
  1. A bashed up taillight
  2. Messed-up teachers
  3. No more church
  4. Non-hurting track
  5. And last but not least... I HATE SPANISH


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