Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where are we?... We're in trouble...

Weird Title huh? Well, last night I watched... Drum Roll please... DOCTOR WHO... and well, I didn't like this weeks' episode... it was kinda boring... alien fish pretending to be vampires... weird.. well, next week... it's gonna be good... They're trapped in the tardis and the tardis is dead... and at one point in the preview Amy asks "Where are we?" and the Doctor replies... "We're in trouble." Exciting huh!!!! YAY!!!

On to other news... We had a picnic at my church this morning... very... um... yeah.. .very... boring... yep... that's it... boring...

Well last night I watched, like, 4 episodes of Glee on my computer... I'm trying to catch up to the new season... I'm only on episode 10 at the moment... yep... not to regionals yet... not even to sectionals... I forget if they've even gotten past the invitationals... maybe they have... maybe they haven't...

Well... today was kinda boring, so yeah... Wait I remember... I  worked on my website some more today! Here it is...Tark's Picks

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