Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Um? Lol? I think? Maybe?

Today... just another Boring, Rainy, Cold Wednesday in Des Moines, Iowa... Okay, I hate thunder... VERY MUCH!!!! today at lunch there was a loud CRACK!! **LOL**of thunder and half the girls (mostly the popular girly girls "Oh No! I broke a nail" **I hate those kind of girls... they make a bad stereotype**) screamed... and not the normal "OMG! Hey Girlfriend" kind of scream, they were all the high-pitched screams... very loud, and VERY annoying...

In other news, we're almost done with our napkin holders... I just need to add another coat of Clear finnish to mine... then I'm done! lately after I'm done with my day's project I go over to the computer lad and finish my house I started last month... much fun...

Then there was the HUGE thunderstorm all day yesterday and today... It woke me up-I don't know-5 times... maybe 6... Lets just say I was really tired this morning... Even as I'm writing this, at 8:00 at night the sky looks like it usually does at midday, and the thunder? It shakes the house... Weren't these storms supposed to be done in April? you know? April Showers, Bring May Flowers... What will these bring... May Showers, Bring June Floods?

I had A LOT of homework **Sad face** After constantly getting distracted in Reading class... I had my entire discussion guide to do... It's due tomorrow... good thing I just got done... Lol... It took me an hour to do it... don't tell my teacher but I actually didn't read it...I just skimmed... Shhhhhh! P.S. If you're reading The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle **Long name, Amazing results** would you happen to know What the "Prison"that Charlotte referred to as her proper place? from chapter 13, 14, or 15?

At least I finished my Mystery Essay... It only needs to be edited, approved, typed, edited again, printed, and graded... It's a good story... the only bad thing is that it took me a week to write it...when I finish typing it I'll post it here...

Other than that I had a completely BORING day... just like yesterday, and the day before that and back to Thursday and Friday that's why I haven't really been doing much of any blogging lately... Sorry...

Love Y'all hope you weren't too bored by all my blabbing...

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... um
    you are so interesting by
    i can't beleive you didn't read the assigment!
    I am so telling Ms. Coberly
    Muah ha ha ha ha ha
