So. Hi. Yeah, it's been like FOREVER!!! I admit. Some of that was my fault. But I feel like blaming Track, school, church, ACE, and whatever else I feel like blaming. So...
Well, what's been going on in my life since I deserted the world of Blogger? Well, since I have no idea where I left off, and have no intention of looking, I'll start in January. (Not my friend January, the month) Well, lets see...
January: I was in ACE. Semester 2 started. (I hate my Health Class, by the way, it's so stupid, and everyone in it is stupid... yeah) That's about it. January was boring.
February: Track started. I was failing Chemistry. ACE continued. I saw the movie "THE VOW" in theaters.
March: March was busy. I turned 15. Track practices continued and the season itself started. I saw both "JOHN CARTER" & "THE HUNGER GAMES" in theaters. ACE ended. And probably the best thing; my best friend took me to The Twin Cities and the Mall of America as a birthday present! It was AMAZING!!!!!!! *girly giggle* It was a clothes shopper's heaven!
April: Things settled down again. I got my Chem grade up, but my Math grade plumeted. I got better in track. A LOT better. I saw "THE LUCKY ONE" in theaters. God, I love Zefron. Youth Sunday. A huge math competition in South Dakota. BOOK SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in heaven.
May: For the start of May; I started watching BONES on Netflix. I'm currently halfway through season 4. I saw "THE AVENGERS" that was epic. I got my math grade up!!! It's a B now. I missed my first day of school in 5 and a half years (May 04) Track got over; I finished with my 800 best being a 2:47. I won't know until tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I lettered! I got my yearbook.
Yeah... that's pretty much the gist of my life for the past 4 and a half months...
Oh, I've read 51 books since January too.... :)
Now, I really have to go do my homework, which was the reason I was on Blogger; looking for ways to procrastinate...
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