Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel...

No, I'm not dying... Although it feels like it... I'm going through finals week... My hardest, most influencial final is tomorrow... And I just found out that I got a C on my last test... This is not looking good for the home team... God, I hate math...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Romeo And Juliet... and Some Other Useless Crap...

so... I sit here in my Engineering class, already done with a project not due for another week... bored out of my mind while reading Romeo and Juliet... When suddenly, a thought hits me (almost taking out an eye *Smiley face*) and I think... what about Goodreads? So I get on goodreads and quench my boredom for a little while... then Goodreads bores me... So I get on my email... but that bores me too... So, what about I write a blog post? Yeah, my readers would like that, wouldn't they?

Okay... My life right now... F.I.N.A.L.S. are next WEEK!!! I am sooooo freaking out about my PreCalc and Chemistry finals... I need to get an A on my PreCalc so that I get an A in the class... And I need to get an A in Chemistry, so that I can keep my A. If I don't get an A in either of those classes, I will loose my title as top of the class... so you can understand why I'm freaking out...

At least Track is over... I lettered and got six medals by the way... SIX! That's a lot for a freshman... heck, that's a lot for anyone... unless you go to Roosevelt... then you're just naturally fast and I hate you... :)

Well, I should get back to reading Romeo and Juliet... I only have to read 50 pages by 1:00... Although... I really want to smack both Romeo and Juliet right now... they're both REALLY stupid...

Okay... bye for real this time...


Just kidding!!! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

I know... It's been a while...

So. Hi. Yeah, it's been like FOREVER!!! I admit. Some of that was my fault. But I feel like blaming Track, school, church, ACE, and whatever else I feel like blaming. So...

Well, what's been going on in my life since I deserted the world of Blogger? Well, since I have no idea where I left off, and have no intention of looking, I'll start in January. (Not my friend January, the month) Well, lets see...

January: I was in ACE. Semester 2 started. (I hate my Health Class, by the way, it's so stupid, and everyone in it is stupid... yeah) That's about it. January was boring.
February: Track started. I was failing Chemistry. ACE continued. I saw the movie "THE VOW" in theaters.
March: March was busy. I turned 15. Track practices continued and the season itself started. I saw both "JOHN CARTER" & "THE HUNGER GAMES" in theaters. ACE ended. And probably the best thing; my best friend took me to The Twin Cities and the Mall of America as a birthday present! It was AMAZING!!!!!!! *girly giggle* It was a clothes shopper's heaven!
April: Things settled down again. I got my Chem grade up, but my Math grade plumeted. I got better in track. A LOT better. I saw "THE LUCKY ONE" in theaters. God, I love Zefron. Youth Sunday. A huge math competition in South Dakota. BOOK SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in heaven.
May: For the start of May; I started watching BONES on Netflix. I'm currently halfway through season 4. I saw "THE AVENGERS" that was epic. I got my math grade up!!! It's a B now. I missed my first day of school in 5 and a half years (May 04) Track got over; I finished with my 800 best being a 2:47. I won't know until tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I lettered! I got my yearbook.

Yeah... that's pretty much the gist of my life for the past 4 and a half months...

Oh, I've read 51 books since January too.... :)

Now, I really have to go do my homework, which was the reason I was on Blogger; looking for ways to procrastinate...