Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mi es... uh, uh, uh, Sorry???

Well, I've seemed to have been neglecting my duties as a blog hostess... sorry, my avid readers... If I even have any... (I have really no clue if I have any readers... if you read my blog on a regular basis, please let me know in a comment, otherwise, I might stop this completely...)

But I have also been neglecting my summer reading homework... so don't feel bad... Tomorrow, school starts... and guess you hasn't done her homework!!!!!!!! If you guessed me, you're right... It's just so hard!!!

Why??? Why does God hate me??? Why did he give me a terrible book to over-annalyze and squeeze any possibility of goodness out of it, and force me to then write a report about it????

Ugh... I'm going to go and wallow in self-pity, and maybe, just maybe, get off my ass long enough to do my homework...

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