Friday, September 24, 2010

NO SCHOOL!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

Yay... I got no school today (Excuse my improper English, but when you have to speak proper all the time... it gets kinda old...) I'm so happy... and Brewfest has started in Wow... The Sun is shining... and I have 3 days to write my stupid Essay...

I'm supposed to write a 5 paragraph essay, by MONDAY, and it can't have any facts... only opinions... which must be "Strong Claims" WHATEVER THOSE ARE!!!!! I hate it.... and... on top of all that...  I can't use ANY of the following words:
  • always
  • everything
  • everyone
  • very
  • you
  • a lot
  • good
  • nice
  • great
  • get/got
  • contractions (isn't, wasn't, can't don't etc.)
  • I (unless instructed)
  • slang (kid, cop, guy, etc.)
  • Indefinite pronouns **long list** (another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, one, other, somebody, someone, something etc.)
  • In my opinion
  • For example
  • Goofy transition phrases (like, such as etc.)
  • In conclusion
  • Any number ending in ly (firstly, secondly)

 Are you starting to understand why I'm mad???

Oh... and that's only English... I also have Math... Government... Media... Spanish... & Science... did I forget anything??? nope... that's all my classes except for Orchestra (which I hate) and P.E. ... and Study Hall...

I gotta go do me stupid essay... and then the rest of my homework... and don't even get me started on Bob... UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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