I'm supposed to write a 5 paragraph essay, by MONDAY, and it can't have any facts... only opinions... which must be "Strong Claims" WHATEVER THOSE ARE!!!!! I hate it.... and... on top of all that... I can't use ANY of the following words:
- always
- everything
- everyone
- very
- you
- a lot
- good
- nice
- great
- get/got
- contractions (isn't, wasn't, can't don't etc.)
- I (unless instructed)
- slang (kid, cop, guy, etc.)
- Indefinite pronouns **long list** (another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, one, other, somebody, someone, something etc.)
- In my opinion
- For example
- Goofy transition phrases (like, such as etc.)
- In conclusion
- Any number ending in ly (firstly, secondly)
Are you starting to understand why I'm mad???
Oh... and that's only English... I also have Math... Government... Media... Spanish... & Science... did I forget anything??? nope... that's all my classes except for Orchestra (which I hate) and P.E. ... and Study Hall...
I gotta go do me stupid essay... and then the rest of my homework... and don't even get me started on Bob... UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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