Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Disgusting & Boring Life...

Okay, now I'm grossing myself out, and not just you... This is not a good sign... This is what happened...I'm eating lunch... Ramen Noodles, when I started sneezing... AND RAMEN NOODLES CAME OUT MY NOSE!!! **Makes disgusted face**

Oh Well... Life goes on... Maybe... I'm Bored out of my MIND!!!!!!!!!! I have Nothing to do!! It's driving me Bonko's! Anyone have any ideas on what I could do? No one? Fine Then... I'll just... I don't know because there's nothing to do!!! Everyone thinks I'm crazy, for liking school... Well... IT GIVE'S ME SOMETHING TO DO!!!! Same with homework... That reminds me... I have to do a Book Report on two books... Ender's Game, and Gathering Blue well... I guess I could go do that... but there's one problem... I've never read Gathering Blue, and I haven't read Ender's Game since I don't Know...March? and I have neither with me at the moment... so yeah... scratch that off the list...

I KNOW!!! I could watch episodes of
  1. Merlin
  2. Glee
  3. Stargate SG1
  4. Stargate Atlantis
  5. Babylon 5
  6. Eureka
  7. anything else I find online...
So... I better get on that... I'll tell you later what I ended up watching... BYE!!!!

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