Monday, January 17, 2011

Fanfiction and TV

I updated my Fanfic... FINALLY!!! For those of you who want to read it... you can either go to my website if you know it... It's been a little moody lately, not letting anyone on... or you can go to my fanfiction profile and read it there; Here's the link... It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself... although, it's pretty random... like me!!!

Well... that's all that I have to say... other than... CHUCK'S BACK!!! But Sarah left... **Sighs** I like Sarah... And we found out that Cassie proposed to his GF in a bus Station... lol...

Well... I think that's it... Wait!!! NO!!! White Collar comes back TOMORROW!!! And Royal Pains comes back on THURSDAY!!! Which just happens to be my first Basketball game of the season... **Sighs deeply** Life can suck sometime...

Okay... This is really the end... BYE BYE!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Death in Lines...

Well... I can sympathize with all those writers who are trying to make deadlines... I love writing stories... but I hate all the pressure of the fans, co-writers, friends... UGH!!! I'm going crazy, my friends want another chapter written by Tuesday... I don't think I can get another one written by then... with all my homework, and all my Facebooking (is that even a word??? It should be...) and all my blogging... My life is pretty hectic...

But I am so glad that Finals are over... SOOOOOOOOOO Glad... on Thursday, I was practically jumping up and down... It was Soooo awesome.... only one other of my friends had no more finals... We laughed at everyone else... It was fun...

Biology is a lot easier then Physics/Chemistry... My teacher called Bio, Puking... the Teacher Pukes the information out to you. You digest it, comprehend it, and then puke it back in tests, quizzes, and homework. To the right is my Bio book. It is really heavy, and has a lot of gross pictures in it, but we have to do less sections. But I also have to do more detailed notes **Sad Face**

Uh Oh... My dad is yelling at me for being up so late... Really... why do parents not like it when I stay up until 11:45??? **Sighs deeply** Life can suck sometimes... but the world keeps on rolling... how very depressing....

See everyone soon!!! I hope...

Friday, January 14, 2011

FINALS SUCK!!! And so does Guacamole...

Okay... just thought I'd get that out there... mostly it's science tests that suck, but that's just me...

English was an easy A
Word Within the Word was a kinda easy A
Science... a pretty easy B (At least I think it was a B... I don't really know...)

Yep... got a pretty bad grade in science... but hey!!! It's all a matter of perspective... In 20 years, I won't care what my 8th grade 1st semester final grade was... as long as I got an A as the semester grade... which I did!!!


I'm going off topic a bit here, but y'all remember the post about Guacamole??? At the end of 7th grade??? Well... She's evil... again... Not in the way that my BF thought then... now it's worse... MUCH worse... They practically had a shouting matching the cafeteria... It was fun... once I joined in... not fun watching my BF get reduced practically to tears... yeah... **sighs**

Okay... I got a question... How many people think I should do my Bio homework??? **No one does anything**

New question... How many people think I should get ahead in a stupidly hard class that I'll hate??? **Everyone raises their hands** Thought so...

I'll go do the stupid homework...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Crazy 'Bout Books...

Is it crazy to have 178 blog posts in 15 months??? Each of them about a different book??? Cause I don't think so... but all my friends do... Am I crazy???

I finally updated my book blog... which is how my friends and I got onto that subject... over 40 blog posts in one day... ONE DAY!!! I couldn't feel my fingers the rest of the night... Never try and  eat pizza without the ability to use your hands... you'll just embarrass yourself... not that I would know that... **cough, cough**

So... after I had regained feeling in my hands, my dad and I went outside and messed around with our telescope... it was fun... but I soon lost feeling in my hands again... this time from the cold... even though I was wearing three pairs of gloves...

Well... I gotta go get some homework done... and some studying... so... see ya... hopefully I sooner update sooner than last time...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Envy You... **Sighs**

All of you, who don't have to take finals... I got 1 thing and 1 thing only to say to you... well it's 2 words... but... YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Although, I shouldn't be complaining, because I really only have to take 2.5 finals... when most people have  to take, like, 4 or 5, so... I have to take English (Grammar), Science (Chem & Physics), and English (Vocabulary)

The English are going to be A LOT harder than the science because I'm really good at science, and got an A. I have A's in all my classes, but my teacher is so awesome, I got a .5 get out of the Final free card, so... I only have to guess right on some of them... hehe... I laugh at all the other people in my class who have to take the entire thing... ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... I've gotten a little behind on my book blog's posts... I haven't updated since... October??? That's a LONG time... considering, I'm supposed to update it 3 times a week... Oops???

Well... I should probably go update it... and connect it to FB now... See Y'all!!!